Test Your Understanding of Mouthwash

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Think you’re a mouthwash professor, eh? Let’s put your understanding to the test. Here are four questions that will assist you as you learn more about the power of mouthwash or as you prove that you’re already a master:

1. This is the right amount of mouthwash to use.
a. 20 ml
b. 40 ml
c. 80 ml
d. 200 ml

2. This is the suitable amount of time to wait before chomping food after rinsing with mouthwash.
a. 10 mins
b. 20 mins
c. 30 mins
d. 60 mins

3. Mouthwash helps build your oral health by doing the following:
a. Making your breath smell better
b. Getting rid of plaque and food debris from your mouth
c. Enhancing your swishing muscles
d. Guarding your pearly whites from foods you eat after rinsing with mouthwash

4. Mouthwash comes in these two varieties:
a. General-use and specific-use
b. Finished-the-counter and prescription
c. Cosmetic and therapeutic
d. Flavored and unflavored

Answer key: A, C, B, C

How did you do? Were you the master you thought you were? We hope this post has been informative for you, and we hope that your chompers and gums are enjoying brushing, flossing, and rinsing them with mouthwash. Have you been into our Simi Valley, California, office recently? Please call 805-422-3116 now to pencil in your next visit with Dr. Konstantinos Proussaefs and the staff at Konstantinos Proussaefs DDS Inc.