So, you’re getting dentures. You aren’t alone. Many people, even those in their 20’s have to wear dentures. But if this is your first set, there are some things you need to know that will make life with dentures easier. Your dentures should not feel excessively tight or cause you pain. If they feel uncomfortable, you should contact our dentist,... read more »
You’re not a young whippersnapper anymore, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the same dental issues they warned you about when you were a kid. In fact, you’re not only affected by the same kinds of dental decay that children go through, but you have a few extra issues to worry about now that you’re older. It’s best to... read more »
Are you looking for ways to whiten your teeth or improve the appearance of your smile? If so, then we have exciting news for you! Teeth-whitening treatments are standard and can dramatically improve the look of your smile making them a popular choice in cosmetic dentistry. To help you learn more about how to whiten your smile, our dentist, Dr.... read more »
Are you ready to enhance your smile by protecting your teeth and gums during cold and flu season? Unfortunately, a cold or the flu often brings individuals to a standstill with their oral health. Thus, it is important to make sure you're always taking the time to assess your smile even when you're sick. In fact, when many individuals come... read more »
Do you have a missing tooth and wonder if you can restore it? Are you looking for options to restore the entire appearance of your smile? If so, then our dentist, Dr. Konstantinos Proussaefs in Simi Valley, California, is happy to help you! Dental bridges are also known as fixed partial dentures in the world of dentistry. Dental bridges fill... read more »
For most people, your smile is highly susceptible to bacteria, plaque buildup, harmful acids, and other forms of enamel erosion. That is why it is essential to search for effective cavity prevention plans to keep your smile safe each day. To keep your smile safe from the risk of cavities, it is important to visit your dentist to determine if... read more »
In lots of families, there are three main things you have learned to never to talk about: politics, religion and DIET. We recognize that there are a lot of foods out there you shouldn’t consume if you are looking to maintain good oral health, but we thought that some positive info on healthy foods would be of use. Here is... read more »
Did you know the importance of root canals and saving broken or damaged teeth? In many cases, teeth that have suffered damage to the pulp will need to be extracted. However, effective root canals can potentially save teeth that have suffered pulp damage. Furthermore, it is essential to understand the causes of pulp damage to help determine if a root... read more »
Our extremely talented dentist has the skills necessary to restore your smile. Through the use of effective oral health care in cosmetic dentistry, we can give you a smile makeover that is sure to impress you and those around you. Nature alone cannot help you achieve the smiles that can be crafted through the use of cosmetic dentistry. Cutting-edge technology... read more »
Even though they are not your natural teeth, dentures still require a good amount of care so they can endure. You still need to brush the dentures and put them through a little extra cleaning to avoid bad breath and worse problems. The foods you eat can get stuck to the dentures or forced under them. Now you cannot stop... read more »