Helpful Facts About Dental Bridges

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Those who are missing one or more teeth may experience difficulty with eating or talking. A dental bridge in Simi Valley, California, is a great way to restore the beauty and functionality of your smile. A dental bridge replaces a missing tooth or teeth with artificial teeth by bridging the gap caused by missing teeth. A dental bridge is made of a replacement tooth (or teeth) with a dental crown attached on either side. The dental crowns are attached to the teeth on either side of the gap.

Dental Bridge Benefits
A dental bridge placed by Dr. Konstantinos Proussaefs can do many things for you, including:

– Restore the functionality and beauty of a smile
– Allow the patient to eat and talk properly once again
– Maintain the face shape
– Properly distribute the bite
– Keep the natural teeth from shifting

Caring for a Dental Bridge
Maintain a solid, healthy foundation for your bridge by upholding your oral health. Be sure to brush your teeth twice daily, floss once every day, and keep your regular cleaning appointments at Konstantinos Proussaefs DDS Inc.

Dental Bridge Placement
When placing a dental bridge, our dentist will first shape the teeth on either side of the gap. This will allow room for the dental crowns, which anchor the bridge, to be placed over the teeth. Impressions will then be taken of your smile. These impressions will be used to create your individualized dental bridge. Once the bridge is complete, it will be cemented into place.

For more information and to schedule your next visit, feel free to contact Konstantinos Proussaefs DDS Inc at 805-422-3116 today.